I ate anti-paleo and all I got was this lousy scurvy

Posted: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 | Posted by Cate Connors |

This is a bit ridiculous, but check it out. I was checking pubmed to see if there have been any decent Vitamin D/immune system clinical trials, and accidentally stumbled upon a 1978 article from the Western Journal of Medicine that is essentially a case study in the effects of an anti-Paleo diet. A 43 year old woman walks into a bar/the University of California with skin lesions and a host of complaints from fatigue to depression. She gets batted around a bit until someone eventually asks about her diet. Lo and behold...

A dietary history showed that she had been on an elimination diet during the previous four years because certain "acid" foods caused stomach irritation. She had eaten no fruit or vegetables for the past two years and no meat for three months. Her diet consisted of milk, bread, distilled water, macaroni, spaghetti and pudding.
Diagnosis? She gave herself scurvy! Scurvy, for fuck's sake!

Yeah, I know. It's a case study. And essentially, she wasn't on just an anti-Paleo diet, she was on a diet that gave her no nutrients whatsoever. So it's a little baby bump for Paleo and protein and veggies.

Still awesome. Eat your meat lest you gets the scurvy, mates.


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