June 16th

Posted: Thursday, June 17, 2010 | Posted by Cate Connors | 2 comments

Yesterday was great. I love this shit.

Matt gave me loads of coaching pre-workout as I was needing help on both the strength section of the day and the WOD.

Warmup: 400m run and... some other stuff I've forgotten, will add.
Strength: Power cleans 5x3 - was supposed to be 40%, 50%, 60% of ORM but I was using this for form so just stuck with the green bar and at points some light weights.

15 overhead squats - done with 10kg, usually only did about 7 per set. Thought it was more important to have SOME weight on it than to be doing it with a training bar as otherwise you don't really nail the form, but my wrists are still weak and they'd start to tweak out after about 7 reps. Brian showed me how to keep the wrists straight (like a vertical fist) rather than bend at the wrist and that helped enormously.
400m run

Time was ridiculous. Not really sure, either 17 or 23min. Have forgotten when I started. :) So be it. This one was for form.

I'm so grateful I've got a place to go that makes me feel amazing, where someone will spend forty-five minutes making me confident I'll get the form right and won't break myself so I can focus on doing more and getting stronger. That kind of support is incredible. Thanks Matt, thanks crossfit.

Week whatever, back to it.

Posted: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 | Posted by Cate Connors | 0 comments

After being broke and part-time employed for a few months, the job search is over and I'm back in the gym with the solvency to pay my fees. Ace.

Monday's workout was great, felt totally high afterwards and more myself than I have in weeks. I just don't function as well without exercise, and crossfit exercise is a whole other level.

Warm up: Run, row, skip until warm
mobility drills
Max reps pushups (15 girl pushups, so sad I've lost 'real' pushup ability)
Skill/ Strength: Deadlift
1st set of 5 reps at 40% of 1 rep max - did all these at green bar + 20kg to get form back.
2nd set of 5 reps at 50% of 1 rep max
3rd set of 5 reps at 60% of 1 rep max
WOD: 5 rounds for time:
10 thrusters (43kg) - green bar black when exhausted.
5 burpees - subbed some doubleunders at times.
100m sprint

Got through it with loads of substitutions, felt fantastic. Great to be there.

Week whatever, back to it.

Posted: | Posted by Cate Connors | 1 comments

After being broke and part-time employed for a few months, the job search is over and I'm back in the gym with the solvency to pay my fees. Ace.

Monday's workout was great, felt totally high afterwards and more myself than I have in weeks. I just don't function as well without exercise, and crossfit exercise is a whole other level.

Workout's in my books but roughly:
Warmup - 400m sprint, pushups max (I've lost the ability to do real pushups and am back to girlpushups, 15 total), 5 ring dips to max (5 on red band, 3 on one lower? need to check).

Strength: 5 deadlifts at 40%, 50% 60% ORM.  Didn't max as I've been away from this on form so just did girlbar and 20kg.

Workout - 5FT
10 thrusters (green bar only on this, switched to black bar when exhausted)
5 burpees
100m sprint.

Got through it with loads of substitutions, felt fantastic. Great to be there.