Week 1. Day 2. Feb 23 2010

Posted: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 | Posted by Cate Connors | Labels:

No crossfit today, but spent far too much time on the sofa looking up more crossfit testimonials, before and afters, all the rest. I know this is mostly silly; crossfit is great and everything, but I need to get my diet locked in before I see any major changes regardless, and all of the people who did well will have nailed this. But fine. Inspiration.

I ought be charting my food even if the moment I'm not explicitly calorie tracking, as part of the ongoing effort to figure out what foods make me feel good/bad/deadly.  I've really been in stupidly good shape the last few months, no colds, no joint problems. Looks like largely a stress issue; RA is the direct consequence of over a year of serious daily stress, and a year of awesome seems to have mostly knocked it out of the water.

I was a wee bit worried that crossfit Day 1, even though it was a short day, would overwhelm my exercise deprived body and send me into a funk.  It looks like non-stress, good sleep, good food, and my boy's pheremones are stronger than a workout session. Slept like the dead, woke up in the morning feeling a bit deep and fevery, but then it totally burned off.  Left work early and did a few hours of trekking around and grocery shopping with an obscene amount of canned goods in the backpack and all fine, so I think I'm in the clear.

NUTRITION, not my favorite nutrition day:
Breakfast- oatmeal
Lunch - Tofu
Afternoon - spinach wrap
Dinner - Sausage (one and a half), masses of red cabbage, bit of mash.

Whoohoo, carb overload!

2 hours tromping around with my backpack, at least 400 cals.

In other news, woke up feeling totally hungover without any booze.

To the showers.


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