
Posted: Thursday, August 26, 2010 | Posted by Cate Connors |

I need to reorganize around here and get rid of all the dead stuff, but --- I'm back, finally.

Post-wedding my motivation for crossfit was dead zero. A combination of factors. Tired and a bit overwhelmed, well unhealthy and full of weeks' worth of heavier foods and waaay more alcohol than I needed to be drinking, and just wanting some time to have no To Do lists.  This was fine. A week of this would have been fine. Two weeks was not. Three weeks was DEFINITELY NOT. And then all raring to go, feeling like I was ready to start again on the last Monday of the month, Steve and I got dosed again.

It happened at the wedding too, about four days before. Feeling great, energized, happy, elated -- and then BOOM out of nowhere, exhausted, weak, hurting, ill.  And found out that the bulgar wheat Steve's sis bought for us -- which often doesn't have any actual wheat in it, despite the name - was wheaty.  And that dose knocked us both out and made me konk asleep that night to the sleep of the dead, wake up fevery and ill for a couple days, and then it was gone. The muscle scariness was a lot less scary when I figured out the cause and knew it would be out of my system soon.

So last Sunday, we find some awesome rye bread. Eat a bunch of it. Find out -- whoah nelly, that might have rye flour in it but the wheat flour is there something powerful.  I've been in bed the last two days rotating between normalish and pulling myself up the stairs in the house.

BUT. I went to crossfit today. I was weak and pathetic and took lots of breaks and didn't get anywhere close to finishing my massively scaled down workout, but I went. And I'm still jointy and weak and a bit of out of it, but at least I'm feeling like I haven't given up on my body, and I'm not feeling like I won't get back to crossfit, and I felt awesome just for showing up.

AND I find out that the gym has expanded loads while I was gone and now there's about a billion times to go and supplementary classes and all sorts of fun stuff. Can't wait to be back.



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